This video, from Keith Manufacturing Co. is a demonstration of how a Walking® Floor works. The floor slats move hydraulically to transport contents to the front or back of a trailer or stationary platform. The slats will move in three separate groups and then all together in unison. When the slats are moving
To prep for a Live Floor installation into an empty trailer, there are many components that must come together to make it all work. In the video, you can see a quick overview of all the steps completed by our great team of mechanics and technicians. Install the pipes and front hydraulic hoses. Connect the
Live Floor™, Walking Floor™, Cargo Floor™, Shuffle Floor, Live Bottom, Moving Floor – these words are all synonymous with one another, give or take brand names. However, they all work on the same principle: the floor is moved hydraulically in order to transport the contents to the front of the trailer or back and out